Supporting Us

Please note that no donations are tax-deductible at this time.

The Garden Weekly Membership 💰

We also have a membership program! You can join by going to your account page. This is primarily to support The Garden Ministries with limited perks. These donations are not tax-deductible at this time.

In the future, we may add some more perks, but everything that is currently free will be free forever. If you have not signed up at all, you get access to the latest issue and the blog / Bible study on the website. If you sign up for free, you have access to the entire archive of issues and e-mails of new issues.

There are several tiers of membership, from $2–20 per month, or the equivalent yearly tiers from $24–240. Monthly memberships will receive some small physical items (like bookmarks) and paid-member-only updates. You'll also get a 10% off coupon to The Garden Ministries Store.

If you sign up for a yearly membership, you'll get a few more perks depending on the level you sign up for. You'll still get those small physical items, but you can also get some larger physical items one-time or on a yearly basis. At the higher levels, we'll also send you a free book we love once per year. You will get a 20% off code for The Garden Ministries Store.

We hope to add more perks for paid members in the future.

The Garden Ministries Store 🏪

We have recently opened a store! There are a few items already in there. Any profit from purchases will be re-invested into this project. If you have any ideas for new products, you can e-mail

We have some ideas and hope to bring more designs and products in the coming months.

Donations 💵

You can also make individual donations. This does not come with perks, but it is appreciated! You can do so through Venmo with any amount or with our tip jar tip us $1 or tip us $5.

All Amazon links are affiliate links. If you buy a product we link to from Amazon, we will get a (very) small cut of the sale.